I work with leaders, managers and teams to develop and implement strategies that care about how people feel. 

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You want to attract and retain a bright, talented and motivated team. And you want them to feel great about coming to work. After all, you know that a happier team is a more productive team.

Just as you care about your team, you also care about your customers. You want them to value your brand. You want them to come back. You want them to refer.

You know that customer service is more than the odd discount code and a “we really value your custom” automated call. But how do you really make people keep coming back and keep recommending you?

This isn’t about giving your team free sweets or enforcing organised fun. Neither is it about paying lip service to how a customer is treated just to get ahead. It’s about a strategic, emotionally intelligent approach to working out how you want people to feel.

I bring my expertise developed as a Head of People to help you develop and implement your team or customer strategy. Whether it's around team vitality, culture building and customer experience.

I work with leaders, managers and teams to develop and implement strategies that care about how people feel. so that people are happier, productivity is increased and results are greater.

Perhaps you are:

Vaguely aware of agile work processes or a ‘customer first’ approach, but you’re not sure how you can bring these concepts into your culture.

Acutely aware of how important it is to attract and retain the best talent, but you don’t have the time or the expertise to figure out how to go about it.

Struggling to give your customer what they want. They aren't coming back and you're having to spend to keep acquiring new people. Your NPS isn't where you want it.

Fascinated by the latest research on employee satisfaction and mental health. You want to be a vibrant, vital place to work. With great performance too.

Here’s what you get:

Everything that we work on is fully tailored to your needs and specific circumstances.  All to ensure you get the return you’re looking for. That said, you will always get:


This is where we discover what exactly you want to work on. Whether that’s designing a team vitality programme or working with your customer service team on how they make people feel. We’ll figure out what’s going to make the biggest difference in your business right now.


I'm all in on your business and the project. So if you need immediate advice or you want to discuss how things are going, I'm on hand.


I give you clear notes so you have a personal playbook to implement what we’ve covered so you can come back to it again and again.


This is where we do the work. Whether that’s delivering a one day workshop for your team, doing 121 coaching with your senior managers or devising a new training plan. Whatever we’ve designed to meet your goals.


Designing strategies and kicking them off is all well and good, but it’s pointless if you don’t go back and see what’s working and whether changes have stuck. I’ll come back to see where things are going well and what we still need to tweak. All so you get lasting change.

Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast

My approach combines strategic consulting with performance coaching.

I don’t just bring solutions and leave you with notes to follow. Instead I work with everyone involved to ensure that they’re set up to succeed and implement those solutions.


All of our work together will combine:



We’ll delve into your philosophy on your team and/or customers to understand what’s working. And what’s not. We’ll get the real picture: the gap between the vision document and the daily reality. Once we know where you’re at, we can work out what’s going to make the difference and what’s going to give the big returns.



We go below the surface. Presenting intellectual solutions is not enough. Everything we do has to be integrated into the brain and body. This is where real transformation happens. This isn't just your standard business book wisdom. 


Expect brainstorming, big sheets of paper and as many post-its as it takes. This is where we devise the plan to give you the results you’re looking for. This is based on your specific situation, your people and all of the insights I’ve uncovered. It’s not a template approach.



Once clear on the strategy I’ll deliver the sessions or training. I’ll ensure that the relevant people are in the right headspace to make the changes. Where there are blocks, I’ll help shift them. I’ll leave you with the tools you need to continue improving. And I’ll check back in to ensure that our work has had the desired impact.


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Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast

Tell me more...

My approach is creative. The right environments and experiences are all part of the process. It’s not just another team training session in a badly lit conference room. I create experiences that help everyone involved enjoy, value and learn from the process. After all, it’s all about caring how people feel.

Before we start working together I offer a two hour strategy session, for which I cover the cost. This is where we discover how I can add the most value to your business. After that, if I think I can help, and if you’re up for it, I’ll build a programme bespoke to your needs.

Ideas for things we might work on:

Beautiful, creative and valuable workshops for your team on a specific subject.
Group or individual coaching for leaders and managers on how they can bring out the best in their teams.
Group coaching where teams are currently not performing as well as you need them to.
Consultation on your company culture and how your workspace or management style is helping or hindering it

"We were so blown away by our session that we barely came back down to earth the whole week. We're so excited to see a clear way forward and to have you to help us. We were both saying that it feels like you are more than just our business coach; you are also fighting our corner with us. Which is amazing. We are so grateful."





Because everything we do is bespoke to you, your investment will depend on the particular project.

Once we’ve had the complimentary strategy session I’ll create a bespoke programme and we'll agree the corresponding fee.